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How To Take Care of Aeonium Kiwi

 Aeoniums are natives of Madeira, the Canary Islands and North Africa, this unique succulent is a favorite among many gardeners. 

Aeonium plants belong to the Crassulaceae (stonecrop) family of succulents and the genus Aeonium.

It features spoon-shaped leaves appear dark green near the base and lighter near the top with the upper leaves achieving a kiwi-colored appearance.

In spite of its unique and attractive traits, Aeonium kiwi succulent can grow up to 3 feet tall, with each rosette able to grow up to 8 inches in width.

Aeonium kiwi’ succulent is a low maintenance plant. It can adapt to any given environment with proper care, and can make a stunning addition to your indoor or outdoor space.

Interested in this show stopping succulent? Read on to find out how to take care of them effectively.


How to take care of Aeonium Kiwi succulent?

·      Well-draining soil:

Any succulents for it grow vibrant needs a stable base that provides sufficient nutrients. This base can be in the form of nutrient-rich soil that can keep the plant growing healthy.

For Aeonium kiwi succulent, with addition to potting mix it also needs well-draining soil.

Soil such as sand, pumice, perlite, and rich hulls mixed with compost can serve as an excellent succulent potting soil mix.

It should be noted that pots or containers growing Aeonium kiwi have proper drainage holes to keep the excess water from getting stagnant in the pots.

You can also maintain the soil ph from neutral to alkaline to keep your Aeonium kiwi succulent attractive and healthy.


·      Sufficient watering:

Though succulents are known for being drought resistant and can tolerate harsh weather conditions, from time to time it may require sufficient watering to have renewed growth.

Do you have droopy leaves on your Aeonium kiwi? In most cases your succulent is in need of adequate watering. This unique succulent prefers moist soil with good drainage.

If you have your aeonium kiwi succulent growing indoors, you can make sure that the soil is not left dry for a long period of time.

Excess watering is also another concern when it comes to this succulent. Overwatering them can cause root rot and can ultimately damage the plant.

During summer months they require watering twice to keep them from withering.


·      Light exposure:

Aeonium kiwi succulent develop well in bright light. When grown outdoors, Aeonium kiwi’s prefer partial shade during summer months.

While grown indoors in pots or containers, you can place them in brightly lit areas of your home to gather much needed sunlight.

Though this unique succulent grows well in light, placing them under direct sunlight can damage the succulent and cause leave burns.

They can also be grown under complete shade, but they can tend to lose their attractive colour. For preserving their natural striking hue, you can place them accordingly in your indoor and outdoor space.


·      Fertilizers:

These hardy succulents are known to grow wild and spread rapidly. But when contained in indoor pots or containers, they may require certain fertilizers to boost their growth.

You can adopt DIY fertilizers such as neem cakes, banana peels, cow dung manure, egg shells, etc. Or even administer store bought liquid fertilizers to you succulents.

These added fertilizers can not only promote growth but can also keep out pests and diseases from attacking your aeonium kiwi succulents.

When applying them to the top soil of the succulent, you can make sure to not overuse these fertilizers, as they can tend to cause leave burns and other problems.


·      Temperature:

Native to the North African region, aeonium kiwi succulent, can withstand harsh climates. This hardy species can grow in temperatures 18 to 24 °C.

Though they can tolerate all weather conditions, it grows best in warm temperatures with high humidity. This unique succulent prefers an ideal temperature between 22 to 35 °C.

If you are looking for an easy to maintain, fast growing succulent that can take up a special spot in your succulent collection, then Aeonium kiwi can be the plant for you.


·      Propagation:

Propagating Aeoniums from leaves takes longer and is not as successful as propagating from cuttings, however it can still be done. The popular propagation method preferred by succulent gardeners for Aeonium kiwi is the stem cutting method. It is usually undertaken in summer and spring months. 

The process is performed by finding a healthy looking fleshy stem and cutting them with a clean tool. It can then be transferred to a new pot containing the required potting mix.

Other propagation method for aeonium kiwi is through leaf cutting, offsets and seeds. Though through the seed method, it can take several weeks before germination.

With these easy techniques of propagation, you can grow many more of this attractive succulent right at home.


·      Repotting and soil proportions:

Aeonium kiwi succulent is a unique and hardy succulent that does not need repotting often. You can repot the succulent when it out grows the container or pot it is grown in.

With proper care your succulent can grow healthy and attractive, for that you can try certain soil proportions next time you repot your succulents.

Soil proportions: 3 parts potting soil, 1 part pumice or pertlite, 1 part sand and 1 part compost.


·      Pest and disease control:

Like many of the succulents, aeonium kiwi succulent also fall prey to pests and diseases.

Pests such mealy bugs and scale can occur on the surface of the leaves in white powder like form which can gradually damage the succulent.

They can be easily controlled by dabbing the affected area with certain insect – repellant sprays, soaps or using pesticides. Wash with clean water after administering the repellant.

If you are worried about using chemicals on your succulents, you can go for natural pesticides such as neem oil, salt spray, eucalyptus oil, etc.

Aeonium kiwi succulent is indeed a unique and attractive plant among other species. With its striking colored leaves and upright growth, it leaves one spellbound by its features.

For succulent gardeners, this plant can grow in any pots or containers due to its ability to develop in compact spaces.

The Aeonium kiwi is non-toxic nature.  

Aeonium kiwi succulent is not only stunning to look at but its leaves also serve to retain moisture within the plant with its wax coating. This fleshy leaves grow up to 4 inches long.


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