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10 Best Ground Cover Succulents

The reason succulents are one of the most popular choices for plant lovers worldwide is because they can be grown in pots, hanging baskets, and even used as ground covers.

Certain succulents not only look good and lush in your indoor and outdoor space but also when planted directly in the ground to act as cover.

The succulents used as ground cover look exotic and provide you with many colors from the flowers, respectively.

The best thing about using succulents as ground cover is that they are low-maintenance plants, and they spread quickly on the ground, giving you a carpet-like cover for your garden.

Here are some of the 10 best ground cover succulents that can be grown as part of your new landscaping project:

1. Dolly Belle succulent / Apentia Cordifolia:

Dolly Belle succulent or popularly known as Baby sun rose, is a perennial plant.

This succulent is extensively used in hanging pots and ground covers with small dense green leaves because of its fast-growing tendencies.

Dolly Belle succulents also bear small flowers that come in different colors, such as pink, red, and yellow. Succulent lovers looking for pink and red succulent ground covers can definitely use this.

This succulent requires the least amount of fertilizers compared to others; occasional use of liquid fertilizer can be applied for further growth.

It enjoys full to partial shade and can be grown as ground covers in shaded areas such as under trees or shrubs.

It grows up to 4 inches tall and can provide a dense ground cover for your garden. Propagation can be done through stem cutting.

The disadvantage for this succulent as ground cover is that the succulents can tend to grow wild because of their fast growth rate. Occasional pruning of the succulents can be done to tame them.

2. Wandering Jew / Tradescantia zebrine:

This succulent is a favorite among many succulent lovers and can be seen in many households either planted in hanging pots or freely left to spread as ground covers.

Also called the Inch plant can act as a show stopper in your garden with silvery purple leaves. The bright purple color can be used as a contrast to other plants in the outdoor area.

Wandering Jew succulent enjoys moist soil; therefore, frequent watering is required. They tend to grow best in humid conditions with partial sun.

Growing this succulent as ground cover directly under the sun can cause discoloration of leaves and sunburn. For this reason, they can be planted under the shade of trees and in between rocks.

The disadvantage of this succulent is that, just like the Dolly Belle succulent, they can tend to grow wild and dense when left without pruning or trimming. And they also cannot be extended under direct sun.  

3. Caucasian Stonecrop / Sedum spurium:

This succulent is unique compared to others because, during spring and all the way to summer, this succulent bears star-shaped pink flowers.

Succulent growers on the lookout for pink succulent ground cover can definitely try growing Caucasian Stonecrop.

With its tightly curled leaves, this succulent in its mature size can grow up to 3-7 inches tall, providing a full range of ground cover to your garden.

Caucasian Stonecrop, with its leaves tips often tinged in red, is known for low maintenance, as it requires less watering and it’s an excellent drought-resistant plant. 

4. Blue Spruce Stonecrop / Sedum reflexum:

Blue Spruce Stonecrop is known by many names such as Reflexed stonecrop, Blue stonecrop, Jenny’s stonecrop, etc.

Identified by its bright steel blue color and needle-like leaves, it can be grown by succulent enthusiasts looking for blue succulent ground cover. 

This succulent is a fast-spreading plant. It can be planted in full to partial sun, making it a perfect succulent for open ground cover.

Blue Spruce Stonecrop is a low-maintenance succulent. They enjoy well-drained soil and are highly drought resistant.

Propagation can be done by stem cutting. The only issue with this succulent as ground cover is that overwatering can damage the roots system.

5. Agave Blue Glow:

Agave Blue Glow succulent, also called Century plant, is a slow-growing ground cover succulent. It comes in long blue-green colored sturdy leaves.

This plant is also an option for succulent enthusiasts looking for blue succulent ground cover. This brightly colored succulent is not only attractive but can also cover large ground areas.

Agave Blue Glow succulents can grow up to 1-2 feet long, providing ample space for water and air circulation as it spreads.

Propagation of this succulent can be done successfully through a method called coring. Like most succulents, the flowering of this plant is sporadic.

Succulent lovers and enthusiasts, who do not mind the slow and gradual growth, can give this type of succulent ground cover a try.

6. Sedum Angelina / Sedum rupestre:

If you are looking for a mat or carpet-like ground cover for your garden, then this succulent is for you. Sedum Angelina grows fast and spreads evenly on the ground with proper care.

This perennial succulent prefers full to partial shade and well-drained soil like sandy or granulated soil. Being a highly drought-resistant succulents, they can be easily maintained.

Sedum Angelina succulent comes in bright yellow and green in color. This brightly colored succulent ground cover is best when contrasted with other succulents in your garden.

In its mature size, it is 4-6 inches tall and spreads uniformly as ground cover. Propagation can be done through stem cutting quickly.

The succulent's disadvantage is that the proper water content must be maintained as overwatering can damage its delicate stems and roots.

7. Creeping Shrubby Ice plant / Ruschia pulvinaris:

This succulent is also called, Shrubby Ice plant or Congested Ice plant. It also comes under the category of fast-growing succulent ground covers.

Creeping Shrubby Ice plant thrives in well-drained soil and requires low water content. With its sturdy stems, it can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Known for its beautiful bright pink-colored flowers, this succulent can also be favored by succulent lovers as pink succulent ground cover. It blooms in spring and stays till summer.

It is a natural drought-resistant succulent making it an ideal ground cover that requires low maintenance and provides exotic-looking flowers.

It can grow up to 4 inches tall and stays as an evergreen ground cover.

8. Hens and chicks / Sempervivum tectorum:

Hens and chicks in succulents are commonly called for collection or group of small succulents which belong to the Crassulaceae plant family.

Also called Houseleek and roof houseleek, it can grow up to 3-5 inches tall with proper care. They produce small rosettes from the mother plant, known as chicks, hence their hens and chicks.

This succulent prefers sandy soil and is packed to partial sun. Also known for their hardy and drought-resistant nature, they make an ideal succulent ground cover.

The flowers from this succulent are pink and reddish in color when in bloom and prefer summer seasons. 

9. Blue Chalkstick / Senecio serpens:

Blue Chalkstick is a dwarf variety of succulents, and they can provide an excellent ground cover for your garden.

Also called Kleinia repens and Senecio ficoiles, this succulent is blue in color with elongated leaves. This type of succulent can be favored for those looking for blue succulent ground cover.

Blue Chalksticks succulents grow better in well-drained soil like sand or loose soil mixture. They require low water content and low maintenance.

It grows up to 12-18 inches tall and prefers partial shade to full sun. If you are looking for boundary ground cover for your front yard, this succulent is perfect for you.

10. Japanese Stonecrop / Sedum Makinoi Limelight:

This succulent comes in rounded leaves with red stems. As the name suggests, it has bright lime-colored leaves when grown to its mature size.

This succulent is also fast-spreading ground cover and grows up to 4 inches tall. It prefers well-drained soil and partial sun during the summer seasons.

It provides full ground cover and grows well in good water-drained soil. During spring, you can witness beautiful yellow flowers spreading all over the ground cover.

Succulent species of plants are so diverse that they cater to all growing conditions, such as providing good ground covers while retaining their unique charm and exotic nature.

If you are looking for succulent ground covers that are easy to maintain, provide diverse flowering, and can be successfully propagated when it gets older.

Then the ground as mentioned above covering succulents can be perfect for your garden landscape.


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